What people are saying…

  • "You cannot find 2 better therapists to help your kiddo reach new heights! I thank our lucky stars regularly that Aliza and Nicole are in our life. Both of them have shown a unique determination in helping our son — they have both embraced new technologies and modalities, as well as new ways of relating to and motivating him, that have resulted in incredible outcomes. Having done intensives with Rise, and with other clinics, I can personally say removing the stress of travel creates more space for progress during this big time for your family. Working locally helps you focus on the therapy and your child. I have complete confidence in Rise to push our son while embracing him for where he is today. They are the best, and we recommend them from the bottom of our hearts."


  • "Aliza and Nicole have been instrumental in our son’s development. We are so grateful for their expertise and insights that have helped him grow into the kid he is today. He was born prematurely and by his first birthday was delayed in major milestones. Aliza and Nicole have helped us to approach his delays calmly. Working with them feels like having a friend or family member in your home. Our son looks forward to their visits each week (and so do we!). With their help, we feel confident in our son’s development and we are so lucky to have them on our team. We can’t recommend Aliza and Nicole’s services enough!"


  • Nicole worked with my son Ethan in Early Intervention. She gave him excellent support and guided him through fun and tailored activities. Occupational Therapy helped my son to be more independent; if you could see Ethan now and everything he has achieved...we are amazed. Thank you so much for your support Nicole, we will always appreciate it.


  • "I absolutely love Nicole and Aliza! These two ladies' dedication to their kids and their families is beyond amazing! My son has Prader-Willi Syndrome and a trach; he was on a ventilator 24/7, not moving at all, not even turning his own head or able to lift it. He had a gtube and most therapists were uncomfortable and not sure how to care for him with all of his equipment. All that changed when we started working with Aliza, our PT, it was amazing. Aliza taught him to crawl and to safely transition on and off the sofa, weight bear and to stand for several seconds unassisted. She recommended Nicole who is an amazing OT and she has helped to bring out his personality through play. She has also helped our son communicate through pictures as well as self feeding, holding objects. He even said his first word “Go” while she was swinging him, which are all tremendous milestones. Both ladies furthered their craft of OT and PT through continued education and training to help their clients excel even more through DMI. This itself is a huge game changer for our children as it works the body faster and makes them even stronger. For our son with low tone the response was almost immediate. Bryce is off the ventilator, no more gtube and is able to stand unassisted for several seconds and can take 3-4 steps! I am so thankful that God placed these wonderful women in my son’s life. I’m sooo excited to hear that they are opening up their own practice. They truly have a passion for helping kids and their families learn to maximize their full potential. They work amazingly well together and my son always enjoyed their group sessions. Please don’t hesitate to enroll your kids! Believe me… they will “Rise”!


  • "We met Aliza Sackin through the New Jersey State Early Intervention Program. She was assigned to us to help with our son who was missing developmental milestones, diagnosed with a serious developmental disorder, and still not walking by his 2nd birthday. Aliza worked with us through the Covid "shut down" through tele-medicine where she was able to guide us in very relatable ways to help our son and affect progress. Once in-person visits were permitted, we saw our son flourish under Aliza's guidance. Every week we saw gains in his ability to stand, then stagger a few steps. But he was still a crawler. In May of 2021 our school system would not permit our son to enter the in-school special education program; "this child can't walk or talk...I don't think we can handle him." Knowing he would enter some kind of school around Labor Day, we vowed that he would walk into the building on his own on Day One. We sat down with Aliza and she outlined a plan for intensive PT. This was a combination of increased sessions but more importantly, very creative and ingenious ways of incorporating play into physically intensive therapies. She quickly learned what delighted and motivated him and was able to use those things to encourage him to take more and more steps. Week to week we were setting records for standing and steps and then blowing them away. Our son walked into school on September 3rd of that year; casually walked, turned and gave a little wave, and kept walking next to the aide assigned to him. Aliza helped us set an aggressive goal and hit it. Aliza was personally invested in our child, giving up her own Saturdays and Sundays occasionally to ensure our son would make that walk into school. Her enthusiasm, commitment, empathy and creativity gave our son the gift of independence. I cannot imagine someone being more personally committed and working as hard as she did to get our son walking.. Aliza has a gift, and anyone would be lucky to have her as a guide for their child. We will always feel indebted to Aliza and recommend her to anyone without any hesitation at all"

    — Steve